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A 1 km 500 from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, at the foot of the mountains, close to the town square, in a pleasant, flowery, green and quiet.

Alain Guéraçague awaits at Europ Camping, Campground 111 spacious and shaded, on flat ground NO FLOOD.

The whole team offers a warm and friendly place where the smile and good humor are a must to make your holiday more enjoyable !!!

open reception desk from 8 am to 21h.

Europ’ Camping will be your foot on the ground ideal during your holidays in the Basque Country. Ideally situated in:
– 10 minutes of the border Spanish,
– 20 minutes of the famous village of Espelette known for its hot peppers,
– 50 minutes Saint Jean de Luz time and Biarritz for its dream beaches and his(her,its) surfing spots.

Recommended by: ADAC – ACSI – ANWB


A 1 km 500 from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, at the foot of the mountains, close to the town square, in a pleasant, flowery, green and quiet.

Alain Guéraçague awaits at Europ Camping, Campground 111 spacious and shaded, on flat ground NO FLOOD.

The whole team offers a warm and friendly place where the smile and good humor are a must to make your holiday more enjoyable !!!

open reception desk from 8 am to 21h.

Europ’ Camping will be your foot on the ground ideal during your holidays in the Basque Country. Ideally situated in:
– 10 minutes of the border Spanish,
– 20 minutes of the famous village of Espelette known for its hot peppers,
– 50 minutes Saint Jean de Luz time and Biarritz for its dream beaches and his(her,its) surfing spots.

Recommended by: ADAC – ACSI – ANWB